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Technico-commercial (H/F)​

numéro offre : 1

​> Issu(e) d’une formation technique (électricité, électrotechnique, automatisme, électronique), vous justifiez dans l’idéal d’une première expérience réussie à un poste de technico-commercial ou souhaitez évoluer sur ce type de mission.
Aisance relationnelle, autonomie, adaptation, motivation, disponibilité et réactivité seront les gages de votre réussite.

Une offre vous interesse?

Merci d’envoyer votre candidature (CV + lettre de motivation)

Une précision sur une annonce ?

Utiliser le formulaire pour tout renseignement complémentaire.


SA2EI realized the cupboards of management of power and commands 2 main cold groups embarked aboard the submarine HMS ASTUTE of ROYAL British NAVY.
Machines working in very high speed, they require a management of electronics of power HITECH.
> The submarine second British HMS will be endowed with the same equipments for which SA2EI saw itself attributed the contract which includes this time the cabling of machines in the workshops of the making.

Implemented skills:
> Study of the custom-made sheet metal workshop including the impact strength and the vibrations, the constraints bound to the CEM, to the thermal waste and to the waterproofness.
> Realization of plan of sheet metal workshop in 3D, CAD electric Plans, thermal Study.
> Implementation of sets of bars tinned during the assembly in workshop.
> Cabling of the machine according to the specifications of ROYAL British NAVY.

Low-voltage General board for the industrial site of AMBATOVY (appearance of nickel extraction in Madagascar).
> Thermal study, study of the sets of brass bars, realization of the single-wire plan and the plans of setting-up, assembly of the equipments and the sets of bars in workshop then the tries in platform of which simulation of the automatisms of permutation of the GE on bench of test.
> Delivery in 3 specific boxes in the maritime export.
> Option: possible travel of a technician SA2EI in Madagascar for the tries in reality and the assistance to the starting.

Writing desk of control commands and supervision of the streetcar routes of the city of Lyon.
> Conception of the mechanical plans and the realization of a custom-made sheet metal workshop according to an exercise book of loads very strict integrating ergonomic constraints.
> Implementation of a descriptive realized panel custom-made product and cabling of the set on borniers embellish with images..

12/06/2012 Submarine HMS of ROYAL British NAVY

12/06/2012 TGBT Industrial site of AMBATOVY (Madagascar)

12/06/2012 ​Writing desk of control of the Streetcar of Lyon

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